Application fails for insufficient documentation

Chris Tindall
April 14, 2021

An application to operate one vehicle and two trailers out of a base in Leicester has been refused by the traffic commissioner – even after he gave the applicant “considerable assistance”.

Stonelodge Farm applied for the restricted licence with Carl Foster named as director; however, it was noted that he had been involved with other businesses where the licences had been revoked. The first was in 2012 when the company, Stonelodge Industries, had entered liquidation. It had also operated as Stonelodge Farm, before this licence was revoked in 2017 following concerns about good repute and professional competence. TC Richard Turfitt therefore requested that the operator appear at a hearing to discuss its latest application.

Foster failed to provide original finance-related documentation and appeared not to have read the current Guide to Maintaining Roadworthiness document. He said he intended to rely on WhatsApp so that drivers could message the maintenance supplier about vehicle parts that needed ordering, but the TC said this did not meet the requirements for record keeping of driver detected defects.

In his written decision, Turfitt said he delayed his decision to enable the operator to provide more paperwork that would aid the application, such as maintenance arrangements; financial evidence; driver defect reporting book examples and proof of training. However, even with this extra time, the TC was not satisfied with the information Foster provided. “It remains the case that I cannot be satisfied and I am obliged to refuse the application on that basis, despite having given the applicant considerable assistance,” he said.

About the Author


Chris Tindall

Chris Tindall started writing for the haulage and logistics industry in 2002 and has covered a broad range of significant issues, including GPS jamming by criminals, platooning and Brexit.

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