Licence variation granted despite objections

Chris Tindall
August 24, 2021

A waste water and septic tank operator has convinced a deputy traffic commissioner to add a second operating centre to its licence after local residents objected to the plans. Clarke Contractors in Denbighshire already operated out of a base in St Asaph, but it applied to run its 12-tonne HGV out of its residential address in Ruthin.

A public inquiry into the application heard from nearby residents, who said there would be noise, fumes, vibrations and light pollution from the operator’s truck. There were also objections about the suitability of the narrow access road and the movement of effluent and human waste to and from the proposed site.

However, a traffic examiner report into the site concluded that it was suitable for parking, access and egress of goods vehicles, but she recommended a 12-tonne weight limit.

In his written decision, DTC Anthony Seculer agreed and he said: “The operators stated that they would envisage no more than three movements of the authorised vehicle per day in and out of the operating centre. I do not consider that this degree of use would have a significant adverse effect on the use of the access road by the 12 residential properties and their visitors and I note that representations have only come from three of the 12 owners.”

The application was granted with conditions.

About the Author


Chris Tindall

Chris Tindall started writing for the haulage and logistics industry in 2002 and has covered a broad range of significant issues, including GPS jamming by criminals, platooning and Brexit.

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