Aquarius demonstrates ClockWatcher Elite

George Barrow
April 29, 2019

Aquarius IT is demonstrating the latest fleet management tools added to its ClockWatcher Elite software, and is giving visitors to its stand (4F85) an exclusive preview of its new document management system.

ClockWatcher Elite enables operators to monitor and manage tachograph data, driver / vehicle defects, license checks, remote downloading, PODs and driver debrief and the latest feature has been developed in response to FORS customer’s wanting a quick and efficient way for broadcasting internal memos such as policy updates and training materials.  The new system will also allow administrators to tailor document distribution to specific groups of employees via their smartphones, tablets or PCs.

Aquarius IT customer service director Mark Johnston said: “The Document Management System was borne out of these discussions with FORS members wanting a seamless process for communicating and sharing important documents with employees.”

There is also a new tool for monitoring employee shifts called Time and Attendance, which covers traditional time and attendance mixed with occasional drivers needing to record activity, and a comprehensive expenses module.

To sign up to a free 30-day trial for ClockWatcher Elite, go to

About the Author


George Barrow

George has been writing about nearly anything with wheels for the past 15 years and is the UK jury member of the International Van of the Year and International Pick-Up Award.

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