My favourite holiday destination is...
New Zealand. I spent eight weeks there a few years ago and it has everything.
I drive a...
Hyundai ix35 for transporting the family.
My hobbies are...
Golf and following Nottingham Forest FC.
My favourite TV programme is...
Game of Thrones but you can’t beat a bit of Deep Space Nine.
The celebrity I would most like to meet is...
The Dalai Lama. A man who has faced extreme adversity yet never lost sight of what is important.
I got into the industry...
In 2014 when I joined Microlise to head up marketing and communications, and develop the annual Microlise Transport Conference which has grown to become the largest event of its kind in Europe.
To encourage more young people into the industry we should...
Have a co-ordinated programme to change the perception of the industry. It’s a fast paced, dynamic, ever changing industry and that is rarely communicated to young people who are considering a career path.
Our plan for the next 12 months is...
To continue focusing on supporting our customers, and delivering a bigger and better Microlise Transport Conference.
Microlise is different from the competition because...
Of the breadth and depth of our solution, and our focus on research and development. We’re owned by directors who run the business with passion and we run one of the industry’s biggest conferences.
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