Asset Alliance Group has supplied RMS Waste Disposal with two Renault tankers. Secured on a five-year hire purchase contract, the new additions are a 16-tonne Renault D18 4x2 unit equipped with a 2150 gallon tank from Fuller Tankers, and a larger Renault C 8x4 fitted with a V J Engineering 4200 gallon vacuum tank. The tanks will be put to work five to six days a week on slurry clearance, emptying septic tanks and clearing liquid and food waste from factories along the south coast area.
Richard Salter, owner of RMS Waste Disposal, said: “These new vehicles will enhance our growing fleet and improve the service levels we offer to our customers. When it comes to finding the right finance solutions, Asset Alliance Group never let us down. We have built a very strong relationship with them over the years; I get far better rates than when I go to other finance companies and the service is always first-class.”
Asset Alliance Group sales director, Darren Fitzpatrick, said: “It has been great to see the success of RMS Waste Disposal over the years and we are very happy to support them with their latest fleet additions once again. Establishing long-term working partnerships is so important to us at Asset Alliance Group.”
Salter said: “We operate seven tankers in total now and all of them have been financed by Asset Alliance Group. Darren has been helping me with our finance requirements for more than 20 years. I have no reason to look anywhere else.”
Based across five sites in the UK, Asset Alliance offers contract hire, lease and hire purchase agreements for commercial vehicles. Its fleet covers multi-brand truck, trailer, bus and coach units. Asset Alliance works with more than 1000 customers on an annual basis and operates a fleet of over 4500 vehicles.