Four and a half years on from its original announcement, Tesla has begun to take deposits for the Semi electric tractor unit. The UK joins the USA and Canada, and the Netherlands and Norway in Europe, in being offered the opportunity to join the waiting list, but with no indication of specification, how vehicles will comply with European legislation or when deliveries may happen. Prospective UK buyers are invited to make an immediate on-line credit card payment of £4,000, plus a bank transfer of another £11,000 within 10 days. That covers a single Tesla Semi, with additional units requiring another £15,000 bank transfer each. The website, www.tesla.com/semi, quotes a base price of $180,000 (£147,000) for the 500 mile range version, but little other information other than its 0-60mph acceleration of 20 seconds at 36.3 tonnes. The offer comes at a time when Tesla’s share price has fallen from $1200 to $770 since the start of this year.
(Photo: Shutterstock)