My favourite holiday destination is...
The Algarve, close enough for a short break by flying or a fabulous road trip.
I drive a...
Mercedes-Benz ML350. It’s a great car and I don’t know why Mercedes has stopped it.
My hobbies are...
Playing guitar, writing music and I am often spending time with the odd Airfix kit.
I got into the industry...
Straight from school. My dad and most of my friends’ dads worked in the industry and I fell into it that way. This seems to have been a similar route for others I speak to who are still in the industry. But I’m not sure that it works that way today.
To encourage more young people into the industry we should...
Market ourselves in the technology sector as a solutions provider to the consumer market. Technology is everywhere and the younger generation manages to adapt to the continual development without breaking stride. There has been a shift to online and shorter-window delivery schedules. This is a more dynamic and attractive angle, which could interest the next generation.
The outlook for our sector over the next 12 months is that...
Businesses are hungry for best working practices, equipment, software, systems and training. The 2008 downturn forced them to become efficient, leaner and change shape to stay afloat in turbulent times. So now we have been efficient for some time, businesses want to maintain a competitive advantage or push into new market areas.
This article was published in the 6 October issue of Commercial Motor. Why not subscribe to get 12 issues for just £12?